Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Living life to the fullest


I was watching the 9pm show on channel 8 this evening.
Fann Wong showed a teenage girl a little girl who has cancer and diabetes.
This little girl has undergone many major and minor ops and suffer more pain than most of us ever known. She do not know when she's gonna die, yet, from her vibrant ad colorful paintings, it can be seen that she's enjoying each and everyday.

I think back to 2 months ago, and somehow felt that you seems to have acted a little differently from normal. You showed more energy and actively took care of Evan and do many things which you'll usual not do.

Did you know your time is running out, and decided to do as much, live as much, as you can?

If you did, I bet you must have enjoyed your life (even your work) to the fullest until the time you collapse. Most people would have been suffering in bed in the last hours of their life. I should be glad that you did not have to suffer that way.

Sigh, while that might have been the best for you, your abrupt leaving, left me with void so suddenly, that it seems to be sucking the life out of me. I really miss you, dear. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you so much. So much. So much.

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