Monday, March 7, 2011

How deep is our love

It's true my dear and her mother have been together for over 30 years; and the bonds grew very strong when they were the only 2 in singapore for more than 10 years. They were more like sisters and good friends rather than just mother and daughter.

It's also true that, dear, I've only know you for 6 years, and we're married for only 3 years. Just based on years alone, there's no comaprison between your relationship with your mum versus that with me. Even after marriage, I can still feel the bonds between the 2 of you. I was never jealous cos I understand your bonds. You told me yourself that she's in 1st place and I'm in second. I know it'll take many years before I replace her, or maybe I never will. Yet, you're always in my 1st place. Even with Evan, you're 1st and Evan is second, even if you don't believe me.

I can't help but felt wronged when your mum take our love for each other so lightly. Maybe she's right that after some time, I'll get over you and find someone else. Maybe she not. It's something in the future and it's not what I want to think about now.

What I do know is that I prayed to god to give you my lifespan so that we might live happily together for a few more years before we die together.
What I do know is that I rather die with you, if there weren't Evan and my parents to take care of.

I do not know what these actions meant in terms of our love. Maybe it's just impulse, from the passion that is still fresh in our hearts. Love can only be tested by time, and that, we no longer have together.

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