Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dream Again


Monday night I dream of you again.
This time the place was in some room, and both of us were relaxing on a bed watching TV.
We were watching the Channel 8 7pm show "Ai".
It's quite strange, however, as in this version of the show, Wen Jie and Jia Ling is a couple instead; but it seems that they have not revealed their feelings for each other yet.
Jia Ling was distressed for some reason and Wen Jie pluck up enough courage to hold her hands to comfort her. Jia Ling smiled blissfully during that time. It was not a very entertaining show, so we entertained ourselves with some
hanky panky stuffs. Some how, we starting talking about exercise and I suggested badminton. You didn't agree or reject to it, but only mentioned that you cannot pay me for the game.

Now that I think about this, it's so strange cos we've never played badminton together before. Even then, there shouldn't be any problem for you to pay for it, if you needed to.

Some how, in the dream, i seems to understand why you could not pay, and said I'll "sponsor" you instead. But given this issue of money, I thought maybe we could go blading instead. I then remembered the times we went blading together, and then all of a sudden, I realized that we can never go blading together anymore, cos you're gone. At this point, I woke up.

These are such strange dreams, I had of you.
You always only say one sentence to me.

If only I understood what these dreams meant...

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