Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Evan's sick


Evan's sick.

He had fever last friday. Even though it's only a slight fever, not having you around made me panic. Last time, you'll be the one to panic, and I'll be the one assuring you and making the necessary decisions. Sigh, it's hard try to be both mummy and daddy at the same time.

Luckily, I contacted a few mummies and daddies for advice and gotten some reassurance that his fever is not serious, and also what to do should it get serious.

The others are suspecting that his upper teeth is coming out, that's why he's having a fever. Anyway, his fever died after giving him the second dose of paracetamol.

However, for the next two days, he had no appetite for anything other than watery porridge. Also, whenever he cries, he'll cough very hard. At first, I decided to bring him to kinder clinic as they have many branches around Singapore so it's easier to since he might be at your's or my house. But when his situation seems to get worse on sunday night, I decided to bring him to Dr Ngiam instead.

Dr Ngiam says he's having throat infection, and it's normal that he has no appetite. In fact, food produces toxin in the body and him having no appetite is the body's way of protecting itself, and hence no need to force him to eat. As usual, Dr Ngiam advises are very unconventional. Think none of the old folks agrees with him. It's lucky he got his appetite back so we do not need to test his theory.

Well, Dr Ngiam says it take Evan 10 days to recover. I'm just counting down to it now.

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