Friday, April 8, 2011

Dead or not dead?


My last dream was interesting indeed.
The setup was in a house - my house?
Everyone was there except you - Evan, my parents, your mum, tuti.
Naturally, i thought it was because you were dead.

Your mum and tuti were taking care of Evan in one room and I was in a living room, where my parents were watching TV.
Somehow, the tv cable point was behind my mum's seat and she keep dislodging it, making the TV very blur. Yet, she insist it's not her causing the problem. I forced her to move slightly, making the reception better and proving to her, yes, it was her fault.

Then, lilian called and asked me how it was with you.
At that point, some how, i realised that you were not dead, but we were separated due to some argument. She encouraged me to call you to see how it goes.

I walked out of the room and dialed your number.
Half my "dream" mind still insist you were already dead, as I'm currently holding another phone that is using your number; like in the real world.
To my surprise, my other phone did not ring. Instead, you picked up the call.
I questioned how that can happen, and reasoned that it's likely that since your number was from M1, like mine, it goes to you first, and only if you did not receive will it be routed to my phone with your number, which is on Singtel.
It's really very strange that the surrounding objects are just like in the real world, but yet in the dream, it could become that way.

As you picked up the call, I asked "HOw are you?
". "Ok ah!" You replyed in the half angry tone you always used when we quarrel.
The rest of the conversation passed by in a blur, and you were then asking me about Evan. I took the opportunity to asked you out, for dinner, and then movie. Some how, I realise you want to just go for dinner only so that I can go home to play with Evan, but I told you that it won;t make a difference as by the time I reach home, he would have already slept. You thought about it for a while and then agreed.

The following day, I was at another place during the day. It was a big house, and there were many people there, like some kind of party or conference. One Ang Mo actually came to over to where I was sitting and console me on our situation. Strangely, I do not recall knowing him.

Then it was time for me to leave. You SMSed me your current address and from the map, although it was very very far, I knew where it was. My "dream" mind recalled going there with you to look for someone before. I even decided that I do not need GPS to help me find it. Now that I think about it, why didn't you go home? Why was your mum still helping out at my place?

As I walked towards my car, I met Wee Meng and gave him a lift around a big car park to find his car. As we mounted a ramp, he explained that he saw Angeline leaving the carpark in her little blue Getz. I proudlly told him that I helped her sourced for that car - although now that I thought about it, I do not know it that was actually true or not.

Anyway, things passed by in a blur again, and now i'm a RWS hotel, with the intention to book a room for our date in the evening. The receptionist told me that since I did not book in advance, I have to pay $20 more.

All these while, I was aware that I'm dreaming, but some how, my consciousness did not take over, but let the dream run its course. It's like I'm watching a movie about myself, and yet I could feel like how I did in the show.
over time, my conciousness too over and I was fully awake. Yet, I was able to still vividly recall the scenes in the dream. The last few times were not this way. Although, try as I might, I could not fall asleep again to continue the dream.

In the end, we did get to the point were we meet up for our date. Sigh....

This is the longest dream I had concerning you so far.
Will there be more?

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