Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Finally dreamt of u again, after so long.

The scene should be sometime after u gave birth cos I seems to be tired from taking care of evan. Somehow, we seems to have a place of our own with kow staying nearby. It does seems to be rather old and not like those modern condos we visited.

Tat particular night somehow Evan's not around. Seems like we are waiting for him to come back and deciding who to watch over him tat night and we keep trying to out volunteer each other. It seems from our room we can hear kow's place so so we went there to see if she's back. We heard hoong's voice instead. How strange.

We took tat short period of time to cuddle. As usual I pretend to be the baby wanting a hug hug from mummy. We were having so much fun.

If only this is real.
If Evan didn't cry at tat moment, I might be able to enjoy that blissful dream longer. I'm not blaming Evan. Even if I could enjoy that dream longer, nothing changes the fact that I will have to wake up eventually, and face the fact that you're no longer there in real life.

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