Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Finally dreamt of u again, after so long.

The scene should be sometime after u gave birth cos I seems to be tired from taking care of evan. Somehow, we seems to have a place of our own with kow staying nearby. It does seems to be rather old and not like those modern condos we visited.

Tat particular night somehow Evan's not around. Seems like we are waiting for him to come back and deciding who to watch over him tat night and we keep trying to out volunteer each other. It seems from our room we can hear kow's place so so we went there to see if she's back. We heard hoong's voice instead. How strange.

We took tat short period of time to cuddle. As usual I pretend to be the baby wanting a hug hug from mummy. We were having so much fun.

If only this is real.
If Evan didn't cry at tat moment, I might be able to enjoy that blissful dream longer. I'm not blaming Evan. Even if I could enjoy that dream longer, nothing changes the fact that I will have to wake up eventually, and face the fact that you're no longer there in real life.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's been 3 months already


So much has changed since you left 3 months ago.

In the World,
There seems to be more and more natural disasters; earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear threats…
Seems like the earth itself is degenerating.

In Singapore,
The Singapore election is over and PAP has encountered the worse attack from the oppositions. Even though they won eventually, the results clearly told them that the people are not happy with them. The government is going through quite a big change now. You know, after these changes, I think we might even have a chance to buy the 7-seater we were looking for.
But now, what’s the point in getting a 7-seater. Both family’s are no longer seeing eye-to-eye, so there’ll ever be a chance they’ll both be present to fill up the car.
It’s so stressful standing in between both sides. Were you feeling that way previously?

In office,
There’s a major re-organisation, and I’m placed where I am, for the last 9 years.
As you know, I wanted to moved somewhere else, but at my current state, it’s hard.
Think that since I missed this opportunity, it’s likely I’ll be staying where I am for a long long time. I feel as if I’m standing still while the others walk by me.

At home,
Evan have grown so much.
He can somewhat understand us when we talk.
He can walk somewhat. Can definitely crawl.
He has 6 teeth and sprouting more, making him very cranky.
He’s eating some table food already.
He’s even drinking milk now; but he stopped liking porridge and cereal.
Oh, how I wished you were here to see and share this joy with me.
By myself, every little joy I have is mixed with the pain of knowing you’re not here to share it with me.

I’ve reverted to the person before I knew you.
Reverted, except that I used to not have this hole in my heart.
Reverted, except when facing Evan.
It’s not a person I like to be, but without you, I’ve no motivation to change.

So much have changed in these 3 months. It felt as if a much longer time have passed.
Yet nothing truly distracted me from the pain of losing you. True that I’m tearing less now, but the pain inside seems to be getting stronger, now that I can’t release it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm not getting better


I saw on TV the chinese show 2002.
It's about this Hong Kong cop that belongs to the department that fights ghost criminals.
He's also a nice person that helps ghost that comes to him for help.
On one occasion, he was in a hospital and in came a ghost kid who told him he was waiting for his mum.
In came a lady at A&E with his husband tagging behind.
Shortly, the doctor came out to tell the man they could not save his wife and baby.
The man broke down and cry.
This reminded me so much about the day you died.

Next, the ghost of the wife came out of A&E and the boy came over to greet his mum.
She then saw how sad his husband was, and told the ghost boy to take over his younger brother's body, so that he might live
to keep his father company.
This again reminded me of how Evan is keeping me company.

Were you also there like this lady at that time? Did you see us? Did you see me? Did you see Evan? How were you feeling then? Were you sad like her? Did you find someone to pass us any message? How I wish I could see you...

We were so alike; the man and I.
At this point, my body could no longer stop trembling as I started crying.
It was a short episode (of crying), but one that's very intense.

I realised that after so long, since you left, the pain have not ceased one bit.

In fact, even I was at Ipoh, we went to a restaurant near the massage parlor where we had our last massage.
I couldn't contained myself also, and tears just keeps rolling down when I thought about us.

I not recovering at all.

I'm simply avoided the pain, and when things about us come smacking into my face, all the calmness I've build up crumbles away leaving me with a sad and empty shell, which used to be my body.

I do find relieve that Evan seems to be getting more and more attached to me.
He's the only thing keeping me going at the moment, and I dare not think what I would do without him.

Watch over him, dear.
Keep him safe and happy.
For his sake, and for mine.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, dear.

As promise, I brought Evan to celebrate Mother's day with you.
It pains me that you could no longer share this day with him.
It pains me that he no longer have a mother to celebrate this day with.
I can only blame myself for not being able to take care of you; and blame myself even more for not being able to provide a mother for Evan. There's nothing I can do to make this up to both of you.

I think back to the time I visited you at the temple.
How I always buy a rose for you when I visit you.
While you were alive, you always lament that I do not buy you any flowers.
I told you it's a waste of money to buy something that does not last, and convince you to have fake ones instead. Though they don't come cheap, at least they last forever. So what if they last forever, you're no longer here to accept them.
I do not really know if you like those fake soft-toy flowers or not, or that you simply choose to accept them cos you know you'll not be getting real ones. Well, now that you're gone, I found myself buying you real flowers instead; sigh, as if to make up for the time while you're alive. Humans really do not know how to appreciate things until it's too late, I fully understand that now; and yet it's too late to understand that already.

It's moments like this that I wish I could turn back time. Yet, I know I can't and it's driving me crazy. Yet, I know I must remain sane for Evan's sake. No matter how bad I feel, I cannot give up on Evan. I've no right to make him lose both his parents.

I miss him so much.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Evan's Development


Evan is back at my house over the last few days.
Your mum went back Malaysia for a break so the rest of us moved back to my house.
She had been watching tuti for the few days and was eventually satisfied that she is capable of taking care of Evan, A little forgetful, but made up for it by being very patient with our boy, which can be very difficult during meal times. She even said that Evan have grown to like tuti, but I think that can is not something spectacular considerring our boy is used to moving between different care takers.
Her going back is, I guess, doing the ultimate test to see if tuti can really do take care of Evan.
As far as I've observed, she can. However, I've not let her watched Evan at night. Cos I'll like Evan by my side at night. It helps me sleeps better.

Evan's been doing well as my place. He has ample space to learn to crawl and walk, and has been improving.
He likes the play mat, where he can crawl and have a big space to play with his toys.
He likes the walker, where I hide and he can then walked around to find me. He always laughs so joyfully when I jumped out of my hiding place to surprise him. My dad loves playing with him, teaching him how to crawl and to walk. Howebver, each time Evan gets lazy, bored or tired, he'll look for me to carry him. My dad thinks I'm spoiling Evan each time I "rescue" him.

I managed a few successes with Evan. First, I also managed to ascertain that Evan is indeed bored of his current menu for lunch and dinner. The switch to using salmon belly really helps to make things easier for everyone. Second, I got Evan to drink milk (not to grossly diluted type), even though it was only during his sleep. It seems that every time I get free play with Evan, I changed his "life" for the better. Not that the rest are not doing anything beneficial, but it makes me feel good that I’m not that useless a dad afterall, even though I’m a hopeless husband that could not keep you alive.

Your mum's coming back this weekend. This means that she'll want Evan at her house so that she can take care of him. She promised to watched closely over Evan all the way until he's at least 1 year old, and she's living up to this promise. The good thing about staying at her place is that Evan gets exposed to a lot of people and conversations. This helps with his verbal development. At my place, things have always been quiet; but he gets more space to play though. Frankly, I like to go to her house also. Not only does the "noise" makes the place more lively and help me forget my pain temporarily, it's a place that I can feel close to you, it's as if you're still with me. Right now, there's only so many things that can do that - Evan, your house, your family - and i intend to hold on to all of them. Over time, I will probably have to learn to let go, but that's a matter for another day.

Right now, Evan needs both verbal and motor development, and it seems each side is good for one purpose; and I'm glad that things are this way.